Pre-Publication Book Club

Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend: A Novel

MJ Wassmer

FROM THE BOOK JACKET:  White Lotus meets Kevin Wilson in this whip-smart social satire about a man who finds himself trapped on an island resort after the sun explodes, and suddenly must choose whether to save himself from the chaos, or help the fellow guests make it off the island alive...

Professional underachiever Dan Foster is finally taking a vacation. Sure, his life has been average at best, and yeah, he's never quite lived up to his potential. But after a few Miller Lites in paradise with his girlfriend, Mara, things are starting to look up.

Then the sun explodes.

With the island resort suddenly plunged into darkness (he really should've sprung for the travel insurance), Dan's holiday goes from bad to worse when elite guests stage a coup and commandeer supplies. As temperatures drop and class tensions rise, revolution begins to brew on the island, and Dan accidentally becomes a beacon of hope for the surviving vacationers. But when one six-person plane is discovered that could get them back to the mainland, Dan realizes he has a choice to make.

Does he escape the island with Mara? Or does he stay and fight to become the most unlikely hero of the end of the world?

Visit MJ Wassmer Store on AmazonABOUT THE AUTHOR: MJ Wassmer is an author of speculative fiction who grew up in the suburbs of Memphis, Tennessee. He's worked as a UPS package handler, professional treadmill cleaner, steakhouse busboy, and Spider-Man for children's birthday parties. Following ten years in corporate, MJ left to start his own business while focusing on his true passion--writing silly things. Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend is his debut novel.

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